The MWT Management Transformation

It's not enough to know what a ManageWithoutThem organisation looks like, you have to know how to make the transition from what your organisation currently is to the MWT Model.

Thankfully, this transition is embedded right in the MWT Model itself. By injecting a diverse set of existing disciplines into your organisation's management model, and changing the specific day-to-day activities performed by managers, you will be able to manage the transition with minimal risk and maximum benefits.

In the MWT Management Transformation the journey really is as important as the destination. If you find yourself in a MWT organisation without knowing how you get there it wont feel like home. It will feel uncomfortable and unsafe. This doesn't mean it actually is unsafe it simply reflects your fears and the needs you have created for protection and advocation of responsibilty in the workplace. The MWT Management Transformation is a personal journey - different for managers and non-managers - as well as an organisational transformation.

Where are we going?

Management itself becomes redefined as operationalised brands + collaboration architectures + technology-augmented markets. By focusing on organisational culture, organisational design, and organisational usability (a ManageWithoutThem term) the ManageWithoutThem principles build a framework in which management can be distributed without the risks often associated with a distributed management model.

ManageWithoutThem is a responsibility-based model of organisational control. Bureaucracies and supervision based control ideas are replaced, for key practices, to allow for self-organisation and market responsiveness.



The MWT Management Transformation is expressed as follows:

Management = Planning, Monitoring, Controlling


Management = Technology-Enabled Markets + Collaboration Architectures + Operationalised Brands


Injections from other disciplines.

There is also a related hierarchy transformation where the traditional view of hierarchy is expanded to The New MWT Hierarchy so that better analyse of the risks of hierarchy can be performed.


But what does it mean to be a market-based organisation? What is the equivilient to property rights, a price system, or even a market? Attempts to create high-performance often fail because they relie on 'empowerment' and

The solution is not 'empowerment', or removing hierarchies, or 'culture'. The solution


But don't confuse 'empowerment' with managing without them. Man didn't come down from the trees because he was 'empowered'. Bill Gates didn't great the world's largest software company because he was empowered.